These days family and friends are devoting more of their time with one another; involving themselves in outdoor activities such as camping at the beach, swimming in waterparks, or skiing behind boats on a local lake. Boating is the more common way to enjoy fun in the sun, and in the south, the lake is where the festivities take place. Anything from pitching a tent on the weekends to having a good ‘ol fashion barbeque and crawfish broil with fishing off the banks. Topping it all off with music and drinks while riding the waves on a party barge, or a party pontoon boat, and as the “Dog Days” of summer approach, people are looking for fun and relaxing ways to stay cool.
When searching for the perfect boat rental, depending on its purpose, party boats are among the most sought-after. This category can fluctuate anywhere from a four-seater speedboat to an occupancy of twenty on a yacht, and most people are looking for that happy medium adventure. Pontoon rentals, also known as the party pontoon boat, are among the more casual experience. With loads of space for the children to roam or extra bodies on the bachelorette odyssey, the average eighteen to twenty-foot party pontoon boat will comfortably seat two to six individuals with capacity for more.
The purpose of the voyage could drastically change the details in the features of the party boat. If the plan is to have a day-long fishing excursion, the need for anchored-down fishing rod holders may be in place; along with a built-in icebox to carry fish back in. For the more prestigious, a wet bar and built-in wine cooler with the luxurious appearance of wood grain and the surround sound system projecting symphonies. As for a day-long family adventure, enjoying a double-decker with extra space to sunbathe and a slide providing amusement, will give amazing memories for years to come.
This style of boat allows for effortless accessibility, and the party pontoon boat can also be used as a floating platform. With its wide frame giving it more stability in open waters, this allows jet skiers and boaters to tie off allowing folks to join the party. With everyone securely attached, they can smoothly move from one water vehicle to another without concern of toppling over and be easily navigated away from potential danger. Now, the average speed can at times make a tortuous appear swift, but undoubtedly allows time for gorgeous views and the enjoyment of the cool summer breeze breathing off the top of the water.
So, as the planning begins for summer journeys and seekers start searching for random ideas, indulge the passion for gliding across open waters. A party pontoon boat is a wonderful avenue to creating lifelong memories with loved ones.