Finding a good venue for your birthday can be tough and given the restrictions brought on by COVID-19, and the search isn’t getting any easier. Luckily, there’s a great venue that is both outdoors, secluded, and has a versatile library of backdrops—a party boat. If you’re not familiar with the reasons to celebrate your birthday on a boat, take a glance at this quick guide to the subject and learn what the clear waters of Lake Travis and Lake Austin have to offer.
It might seem like a bad fortune cookie message, but once you get out on the water and witness the view, you’ll see why this is one of the biggest reasons to celebrate your birthday on a boat. Instead of cleaning up and decorating the house for the big day, use the beauty of Lake Travis or Lake Austin as the venue. All you have to worry about is bringing the food, the booze, and the guests. Between the iconic Pennybacker Bridge (AKA the 360 Bridge) and the insanely popular Devil’s Cove, neither Lake Travis nor Lake Austin have a shortage of impressive backdrops for your party.
Not only is hosting a birthday party on a boat great because you get to take a bit of a vacation from your everyday life, but also because it gives you a sense of privacy as well. Given the state of COVID-19 today, you should be celebrating safely. Luckily, if you want a venue that isn’t your house but is also secluded from others, renting a party boat is the best route to go. When using our Lake Austin party boat rentals to host your party, aside from the captain, it will be free of anyone who doesn’t have an invitation to the celebration.
Hosting your birthday on a boat combines the best of both worlds. You get to go out and have a fun experience at a beautiful location, but you don’t have to accommodate other guests around you, such as a neighbor or a nearby table at a restaurant. If you want to crank up your music, go for it. When you’re out on the water, you won’t have to worry about neighbors complaining about the volume of your music. Plus, you can talk, yell, or sing however loud you want.
When on a party boat, you also don’t have to rely on the venue to prepare quality food or drinks. Before arriving at your boat rental, prepare the drinks and food however you want and bring them along for the ride. Instead of partying within the restraints of a restaurant, bar, or even a residential home, a party boat can help you provide a more “custom-made” vibe to the celebration.